Results for 'Colin Maclean Heydt'

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  1.  11
    Utilitarianism - Ed. Heydt.Colin Heydt (ed.) - 2010 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    John Stuart Mill’s _Utilitarianism _is a philosophical defense of utilitarianism, a moral theory stating that right actions are those that tend to promote overall happiness. The essay first appeared as a series of articles published in _Fraser’s Magazine_ in 1861; the articles were collected and reprinted as a single book in 1863. Mill discusses utilitarianism in some of his other works, including _On Liberty_ and _The Subjection of Women_, but _Utilitarianism _contains his only sustained defence of the theory. In this (...)
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    The Problem of Natural Religion in Smith’s Moral Thought.Colin Heydt - 2017 - Journal of the History of Ideas 78 (1):73-94.
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    Self-Ownership and Moral Relations to Self in Early Modern Britain.Colin Heydt - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (2).
    SummaryThis paper scrutinises early modern thinking about our moral relations to ourselves. It begins by reiterating the too-often-ignored point that full self-ownership was not a position defended in Britain—by Locke or anyone else. In fact, the actual early modern positions about the moral relations we have to ourselves have been obscured by our present-day interest in self-ownership. The paper goes on to organise the moral history of the self by examining the reasons available for prohibiting self-harm. Those reasons typically had (...)
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    Moral Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain: God, Self, and Other.Colin Heydt - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The long eighteenth century is a crucial period in the history of ethics, when our moral relations to God, ourselves and others were minutely examined and our duties, rights and virtues systematically and powerfully presented. Colin Heydt charts the history of practical morality - what we ought to do and to be - from the 1670s, when practical ethics arising from Protestant natural law gained an institutional foothold in England, to early British responses to the French Revolution around (...)
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    Relations of Literary Form and Philosophical Purpose in Hume's Four Essays on Happiness.Colin Heydt - 2007 - Hume Studies 33 (1):3-19.
    This paper examines Hume's four essays on happiness: the "Epicurean," the "Stoic," the "Platonist," and the "Sceptic." I argue, first, that careful attention to how these essays are written shows that they do not simply argue for one position over others. They also elicit affective and imaginative responses in order to modify the reader's outlook and to improve the reader's understanding in service to moral ends. The analysis offers an improved reading of the essays and highlights the intimate connections between (...)
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    Mill, life as art, and problems of self-description in an industrial age.Colin Heydt - 2010 - In Ben Eggleston, Dale Miller & David Weinstein (eds.), John Stuart Mill and the Art of Life. , US: Oxford University Press. pp. 264.
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    Mill, Bentham and 'internal culture'.Colin Heydt - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):275 – 301.
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    Self-Interest and the Common Good in Early Modern Philosophy.Colin Heydt - 2024 - In Heikki Haara & Juhana Toivanen (eds.), Common Good and Self-Interest in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 257-273.
    In this chapter, I taxonomize early modern modes of relating self-interest and the common good. I discuss Protestant natural law theory, republicanism, utilitarianism, and—my main focus—Scottish social thought from Adam Smith and others. My aim is twofold. First, historically, I lay out the conceptual field for the early modern relation of self-interest and the common good while giving special attention to Scottish innovations. Second, from a philosophical point of view, I argue that the Scottish theory of the common good offers (...)
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    "A Delicate and an Accurate Pencil": Adam Smith, Description, and Philosophy as Moral Education.Colin Heydt - 2008 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 25 (1):57 - 73.
  10.  19
    Hutcheson's "Short Introduction" and the Purposes of Moral Philosophy.Colin Heydt - 2009 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 26 (3):293 - 309.
  11.  69
    Narrative, imagination, and the religion of humanity in mill's ethics.Colin Heydt - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):99-115.
    : This paper shows how the ethical benefits of Mill's Religion of HumanityÑa life imbued with purpose, an improved regard for others, and greater happiness for oneself from the pleasures of fellow-feelingÑare to be actualized through the imagination's creation of compelling narratives about humanity. Understanding the ethical importance of the Religion of Humanity therefore implies understanding the central role of imagination in Millian ethical life. This investigation serves to articulate a feature of Mill's utilitarianism that differentiates it from Bentham's, namely (...)
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    Practical ethics.Colin Heydt - 2013 - In James Anthony Harris (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 369.
    Given its initial form by Protestant natural lawyers such as Pufendorf, practical ethics figured prominently in the writings and lectures of university teachers like Hutcheson, Smith, Reid, and Paley, and it provided the most important shared background for philosophical views concerning how we ought to act and what dispositions we should cultivate. The core of practical ethics was a systematic presentation of our duties, rights, and virtues. This chapter analyzes the structure and discusses the purposes served by practical ethics. It (...)
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    Practical Ethics in Eighteenth Century Scotland.Colin Heydt - 2012 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 10 (1):-1.
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    Samuel Fleischacker, Being Me Being You: Adam Smith and Empathy.Colin Heydt - 2021 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (2):165-168.
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  15. Mill, John Stuart — A. overview.Colin Heydt - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  16. Moral philosophy : practical and speculative.Aaron Garrett & Colin Heydt - 2015 - In Aaron Garrett & James Anthony Harris (eds.), Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century: Volume I: Moral and Political Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter presents a general account of the speculative and practical moral philosophy of eighteenth-century Scotland. It gives particular attention to three topics: the Scottish insistence that moral philosophy is an empirical, or ‘experimental’, science, grounded in what might now be called a phenomenology of the moral life, and intimately connected with the other elements of the ‘science of man’; the project of combining Hutchesonian moral sense theory with a Butlerian faculty of conscience; and the attempt to combine an empirical (...)
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  17. Moral Philosophy.Aaron Garrett & Colin Heydt - 2015 - In Aaron Garrett & James Anthony Harris (eds.), Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century: Volume I: Moral and Political Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter presents a general account of the speculative and practical moral philosophy of eighteenth-century Scotland. It gives particular attention to three topics: the Scottish insistence that moral philosophy is an empirical, or ‘experimental’, science, grounded in what might now be called a phenomenology of the moral life, and intimately connected with the other elements of the ‘science of man’; the project of combining Hutchesonian moral sense theory with a Butlerian faculty of conscience; and the attempt to combine an empirical (...)
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    Henry Home, Lord Kames, Principles of Equity, edited and with an introduction by Michael Lobban. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2014. 603 pp. $24 hb. ISBN 9780865976153. [REVIEW]Colin Heydt - 2015 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 13 (2):175-178.
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    The Riddle of Hume's Treatise :Skepticism, naturalism, and irreligion. [REVIEW]Colin Heydt - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (3):401-402.
    Paul Russell begins his book by rightly noting, “almost all commentators over the past two and a half centuries have agreed that Hume’s intentions in the Treatise should be interpreted in terms of two general themes: skepticism and naturalism” (vii). The skeptical reading interprets Hume’s principal aim as showing that “our ‘common sense beliefs’ (e.g. belief in causality, independent existence of bodies, in the self, etc.) lack any foundation in reason” (4). The naturalist reading interprets Hume’s aims according to the (...)
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    Colin Heydt, Moral Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain: God, Self, and Other.Tim Stuart-Buttle - 2019 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 17 (1):79-86.
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    Review of Colin heydt, Rethinking Mill's Ethics: Character and Aesthetic Education[REVIEW]Henry R. West - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (4).
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    Moral Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain: God, Self, and Other by Colin Heydt.James A. Harris - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (4):759-760.
    "There is in Ethicks as in most Sciences," Thomas Reid told the students in his moral philosophy class, "a Speculative and a practical Part. … The proper object of the Theory of Morals is to explain the Constitution of the human Mind so far as regards Morals, that is to explain the Moral and active Powers of the human Mind." He continued: "The various Theorists disagree not about what is to be accounted virtuous Conduct but why it is so to (...)
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    John Stuart Mill and the Art of Life.Ben Eggleston, Dale Miller & David Weinstein (eds.) - 2010 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    The 'Art of Life' is John Stuart Mill's name for his account of practical reason. In this volume, eleven leading scholars elucidate this fundamental, but widely neglected, element of Mill's thought. Mill divides the Art of Life into three 'departments': 'Morality, Prudence or Policy, and Æsthetics'. In the volume's first section, Rex Martin, David Weinstein, Ben Eggleston, and Dale E. Miller investigate the relation between the departments of morality and prudence. Their papers ask whether Mill is a rule utilitarian and, (...)
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  24. Mental Content.Colin McGinn - 1989 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
    Aimed at philsophy graduates this book investigates mental content in a systematic way and advances a number of claims about how mental content states are related to the body and the world. Internalism is the thesis that they are; externalism is the theory that they are not.
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    Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity, and Consciousness.Colin Blakemore & Susan Greenfield - 1987 - Blackwell. Edited by Colin Blakemore & Susan Greenfield.
  26. Two Kinds of Unity in the Critique of Pure Reason.Colin McLear - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (1):79-110.
    I argue that Kant’s distinction between the cognitive roles of sensibility and understanding raises a question concerning the conditions necessary for objective representation. I distinguish two opposing interpretive positions—viz. Intellectualism and Sensibilism. According to Intellectualism all objective representation depends, at least in part, on the unifying synthetic activity of the mind. In contrast, Sensibilism argues that at least some forms of objective representation, specifically intuitions, do not require synthesis. I argue that there are deep reasons for thinking that Intellectualism is (...)
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    Nature’s Purposes: Analyses of Function and Design in Biology.Colin Allen, Marc Bekoff & George V. Lauder (eds.) - 1997 - Cambridge: The MIT Press.
    This volume provides a guide to the discussion among biologists and philosophersabout the role of concepts such as function and design in an evolutionary understanding oflife.
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  28. How Can We Be Moved by the Fate of Anna Karenina.Colin Radford & Michael Weston - 1975 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 49 (1):67 - 93.
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  29. Justice in Ideal Theory: A Refutation.Colin Farrelly - unknown
    Political philosophers have recently begun to take seriously methodological questions concerning what a theoretical examination of political ideals is suppose to accomplish and how effective theorising in ideal theory is in securing those aims. Andrew Mason and G.A. Cohen, for example, believe that the fundamental principles of justice are logically independent of issues of feasibility and questions about human nature. Their position contrasts sharply with political theorists like John Dunn and Joseph Carens who believe that normative theorising must be integrated (...)
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  30. Negative truths from positive facts.Colin Cheyne & Charles Pigden - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (2):249 – 265.
    According to the truthmaker theory that we favour, all contingent truths are made true by existing facts or states of affairs. But if that is so, then it appears that we must accept the existence of the negative facts that are required to make negative truths (such as 'There is no hippopotamus in the room.') true. We deny the existence of negative facts, show how negative truths are made true by positive facts, point out where the (reluctant) advocates of negative (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Charity, interpretation, and belief.Colin McGinn - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy 74 (9):521-535.
  32. The felt presence of other minds: Predictive processing, counterfactual predictions, and mentalising in autism.Colin J. Palmer, Anil K. Seth & Jakob Hohwy - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:376-389.
  33. Does Kant Demand Explanations for All Synthetic A Priori Claims?Colin Marshall - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (3):549-576.
    Kant's philosophy promises to explain various synthetic a priori claims. Yet, as several of his commentators have noted, it is hard to see how these explanations could work unless they themselves rested on unexplained synthetic a priori claims. Since Kant appears to demand explanations for all synthetic a priori claims, it would seem that his project fails on its own terms. I argue, however, that Kant holds that explanations are required only for synthetic a priori claims about (purportedly) experience-independent entities, (...)
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  34. Problems in Philosophy. The Limits of Inquiry.Colin Mcginn - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (1):155-155.
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  35. (1 other version)Animal consciousness.Colin Allen & Michael Trestman - 2005 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  36. Could a machine be conscious?Colin McGinn - 1987 - In Colin Blakemore & Susan Greenfield (eds.), Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity, and Consciousness. Blackwell.
  37. Kant's Appearances and Things in Themselves as Qua‐Objects.Colin Marshall - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (252):520-545.
    The one-world interpretation of Kant's idealism holds that appearances and things in themselves are, in some sense, the same things. Yet this reading faces a number of problems, all arising from the different features Kant seems to assign to appearances and things in themselves. I propose a new way of understanding the appearance/thing in itself distinction via an Aristotelian notion that I call, following Kit Fine, a ‘qua-object.’ Understanding appearances and things in themselves as qua-objects provides a clear sense in (...)
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  38. (1 other version)The mechanism of reference.Colin McGinn - 1981 - Synthese 49 (2):157--186.
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    Relative Identity.Colin McGinn - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (1):137.
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  40. Exhuming the No-Miracles Argument.Colin Howson - 2013 - Analysis 73 (2):205-211.
    The No-Miracles Argument has a natural representation as a probabilistic argument. As such, it commits the base-rate fallacy. In this article, I argue that a recent attempt to show that there is still a serviceable version that avoids the base-rate fallacy fails, and with it all realistic hope of resuscitating the argument.
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  41. Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth.Colin Mcginn - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (208):404-406.
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  42. Kant’s One Self and the Appearance/Thing-in-itself Distinction.Colin Marshall - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (4):421-441.
    Kant’s transcendental idealism hinges on a distinction between appearances and things in themselves. The debate about how to understand this distinction has largely ignored the way that Kant applies this distinction to the self. I argue that this is a mistake, and that Kant’s acceptance of a single, unified self in both his theoretical and practical philosophy causes serious problems for the ‘two-world’ interpretation of his idealism.
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  43. Bayesian conditionalization and probability kinematics.Colin Howson & Allan Franklin - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):451-466.
  44. Fish Cognition and Consciousness.Colin Allen - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):25-39.
    Questions about fish consciousness and cognition are receiving increasing attention. In this paper, I explain why one must be careful to avoid drawing conclusions too hastily about this hugely diverse set of species.
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  45. Movement under uncertainty: The effects of the rubber-hand illusion vary along the nonclinical autism spectrum.Colin Palmer, Bryan Paton, Jakob Hohwy & Peter Enticott - forthcoming - Neuropsychologia.
    Recent research has begun to investigate sensory processing in relation to nonclinical variation in traits associated with the autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We propose that existing accounts of autistic perception can be augmented by considering a role for individual differences in top-down expectations for the precision of sensory input, related to the processing of state-dependent levels of uncertainty. We therefore examined ASD-like traits in relation to the rubber-hand illusion: an experimental paradigm that typically elicits crossmodal integration of visual, tactile, and (...)
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  46. The Mind and the Body as 'One and the Same Thing' in Spinoza.Colin R. Marshall - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (5):897-919.
    I argue that, contrary to how he is often read, Spinoza did not believe that the mind and the body were numerically identical. This means that we must find some alternative reading for his claims that they are 'one and the same thing'.
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  47. Another look at the colors.Colin McGinn - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy 93 (11).
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  48. Political persuasion is prima facie disrespectful.Colin Marshall - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Political persuasion can express moral respect. In this article, however, I rely on two psychological assumptions to argue that political persuasion is generally prima facie disrespectful: (1) that we maintain our political beliefs largely for non-epistemic, personal reasons and (2) that our political beliefs are connected to our epistemic esteem. Given those assumptions, a persuader can either ignore the relevant personal reasons, explicitly address them, or implicitly address them. Ignoring those reasons, I argue, constitutes prima facie insensitivity. Explicitly addressing them (...)
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  49. Dispositional Implementation Solves the Superfluous Structure Problem.Colin Klein - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):141 - 153.
    Consciousness supervenes on activity; computation supervenes on structure. Because of this, some argue, conscious states cannot supervene on computational ones. If true, this would present serious difficulties for computationalist analyses of consciousness (or, indeed, of any domain with properties that supervene on actual activity). I argue that the computationalist can avoid the Superfluous Structure Problem (SSP) by moving to a dispositional theory of implementation. On a dispositional theory, the activity of computation depends entirely on changes in the intrinsic properties of (...)
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    Ritual Education and Moral Development: A Comparison of Xunzi and Vygotsky.Colin J. Lewis - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (1):81-98.
    Xunzi’s 荀子 advocacy for moral education is well-documented; precisely how his program bolsters moral development, and why a program touting study of ritual could be effective, remain subjects of debate. I argue that these matters can be clarified by appealing to the theory of learning and development offered by Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky posited that development depends primarily on social interactions mediated by sociocultural tools that modify learners’ cognitive architecture, enabling increasingly sophisticated thought. Vygotsky’s theory is remarkably similar to Xunzi’s account (...)
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